Friday, October 10, 2014

Goodnews Bay Store

We’ve heard we have a pretty decent store here in Goodnews and judging by what some of our new teacher friends have to say, ours is pretty sweet. Most of the time you can find an assortment of “fresh” vegetable and fruit that usually includes apples, carrots, potatoes, red potatoes, onions, garlic. Sometimes you can even get oranges or bananas, but those are quick to sell out, so you’ve got to buy them when you see them.

As for other perishables, the store usually has yogurt, bread, butter, and cheese.  As you can imagine the prices aren’t anything near what you would expect to pay at your local grocery store. The store carries plenty of other non-perishable food type items and all of the junk food, candy and pop you could want. It’s not unusual to see kids here walking around after school with cans of pop and candy from the store, which would explain the terrible state of their teeth. All of my kindergarten students have at least one cap but most of them have more caps than baby teeth.

The store has a rather large freezer section that includes about 5 deep freezers full of frozen goods. I don’t have any photos of them currently; so maybe that’s a topic for a future post.

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