Saturday, January 24, 2015

An Arctic Adventure

Well--to say it's gotten colder in Alaska would be an understatement. We've still been pretty warm here in Goodnews Bay, warm is relative ya'll. It's been hanging somewhere in the single digits during the day with a -windchill and then dropping to 0 for the night with an even bigger -windchill. When flying on those tiny little planes it is COLD.

We made a trip into Bethel this weekend and like all trips to Bethel had a list of requests from co-workers. Ben needed some more cookies and cream ice cream and Gary was craving Subway. So, our first stop in Bethel was the only fast food chain, Subway. Unfortunately, our Subway doesn't have the same deals at the ones in the Lower 48. The cost for 3 footlongs? That would be right around $30! The commercials are one of the drawbacks of having cable in the bush--you can see all kinds of wonderful looking food that you have zero access to. I'm sure Gary's been seeing the same commercial we all have of the new chicken breast strips at Subway.

Trips to Bethel can end up being a bit pricey. Between the cost of food, taxis and lodging you can end up spending a small fortune. Here's a bit of an example...

Two roundtrip flights to Bethel-                   $780
One night stay in a room with a bathroom-  $200
Taxi fare-                                                       $75
Getting to see this picture-                            $ Priceless!

Coming June 2015


  1. I had a feeling that was the real news. Congratulations and God bless you. I'm so happy.

  2. This is great! Love reading the update and CONGRATS!

  3. Congratulations, Christina. A fun reason for a trip for sure.

  4. Congrats! I'm so happy for you two!

  5. Congratulations Simon and Christina!!!! :)

  6. Congratulations to both of you!!!!

  7. Congratulations! Wishing you all the best from eastern AK...

    1. Thanks! I enjoy reading your blog and hearing about the 'other side' of Alaska. I'm sure you'll make some great new friends at work. :)
