Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Frozen Tundra

We've had a few adventures this weekend here in Goodnews and thought the pictures might just help you feel like you're right along with us. That is if you've got some extra long underwear, a balaclava, seal hat, down gloves, snow pants and winter parka--- did we mention it is finally COLD here this weekend?
Simon heading out to check his traps

Andddd he's back, just a little frosty.

After checking the traps-- the Honda wouldn't start!

The condensation had frozen

After about 5 minutes of blow drying and the space heater it started right up!
The story that the picture with Simon and the hairdryer doesn't tell is that we only had one 6' extension cord in our house. Surely I don't need to tell you that it was hardly able to reach the front door. This sent Simon on a walk to the store to purchase a longer extension cord that would possibly reach off the porch. He returned with a 15' extension cord that we used along with the 6' one to reach the motor of the honda with the hairdryer (I know, I know-- you're not supposed to plug two extension cords like that together, but you gotta do what you gotta do here in the bush). Walking that mile to the school twice yesterday was completely out of the question.

We experienced some pretty strong winds Friday night into Saturday late afternoon, which caused the temps to drop so low. The ambient temperature on Saturday morning around 9am was -6 with the windchill somewhere around -35 to -40. That's take-your-breath-away cold! The ambient temperature for today is actually lower than yesterday somewhere around -8 this morning but without the wind it is bearable.

Thankfully after those few short minutes with the hairdryer we haven't had any other starting issues and the wind has died down bringing the real feel temp up quite a few degrees.

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