Friday, August 28, 2015

We're Back!

We’re happy to say that we’re back home in Goodnews and the school year is off to a great start. This year brings several big changes for us and we’re looking forward to see how they unfold. We moved closer to the school, moved a 6 week old to the bush and Christina is moving to first grade this year since there aren’t any kindergartners.

Junie was a real traveling professional—you’d think she’d been doing it her whole life! She did get lots of traveling experience in the womb, after all! Getting adjusted to the 4 hour time difference wasn’t too easy for her but she seems to have settled into a good schedule now. She’ll be spending her school days with our principal’s daughter. Having our principal’s daughter here has been a huge blessing already—she and Junie are quickly becoming buddies.

We’ve had the chance to host two very special guests of the school, Jack Dalton and Drew Michaels. Usually when visitors come to the school they sleep in the school on air mattresses or cots. Since the guys were going to be here for such a long period of time we offered our spare bedroom with the caveat that there might be a crying baby at night!

 You might remember Jack from Cultural Week last year.  Jack and Drew are here working with the students for the first two weeks of school. They’ll be working on Yupik Dance and Song Writing and Mask Carving. So far it’s been a great experience for the students and we’re looking forward to a celebration ceremony on Thursday.


  1. The baby is SO precious!!! I hope you two have a great school year!

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  3. Adorable Junie! ♡ Have a wonderful school year! We will look forward to your blog updates.
