Sunday, October 5, 2014

What's on the Menu?

You might be wondering if we’ve tasted some awesome Alaskan cuisine yet; and the answer is YES. We’ll give you a look at our menu from this past week.

Deep fried halibut with a curry mayonnaise sauce. 

Country fried moose with mashed potatoes and gravy

Dolly Varden char. The fish don't have scales, so you can eat the skin. 
We stuffed it with butter and garlic.

As you can see, we’ve been getting our fill of the meats that this land has to offer. A few of the guys from the village have generously shared some of their catches with us and we’ve been so thankful. It’s been quite an experience to try some of these things for the very first time!

My favorite has by far been the Halibut—I know why I’ve never liked fish before because I’ve never tried Halibut. Quite a few of the natives will tell you that halibut is also their favorite fish. They can’t understand why we’d never had halibut before we moved to Alaska. We did our best to explain to them that Halibut is very expensive in the lower 48; a concept they can’t quite grasp because it is readily available here during the peak season. Simon doesn’t discriminate; he likes it all and has been enjoying a Salmon Patty for lunch every day for about 2 weeks now.

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