Saturday, August 30, 2014

Photo Avalanche

Our first delivery of fresh halibut! Swimming in the Bering Sea just last night!

Look at the size of those filets.

Walnut crusted halibut. Tasty!

Meat from just ONE salmon.

The final product: 27 salmon patties for the freezer!

Finished product of the fireweed jelly.

Garbage day here in the bush.

The dump and incinerator. All garbage from the village comes here.


  1. Those salmon patties look yummy!!!

    1. The first batch we made was great. I think this batch will be even better!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am so intrigued with your new journey. This is so cool. Thank you for blogging about your experiences. I can't wait to read more. This reminds me of stories from Love Comes Softly. :-)
